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Prep Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

At Duke of Kent School our pupils' well-being is at the centre of all that we do. During their time in Prep School pupils make tremendous growth in their personal development and we support them in their early steps towards independence. Making choices, whether about what to choose for lunch, where to play at break time, how to manage risk or how to interpret rules, is all part of this growing up process. 

Prep pupils have the opportunity to serve on School Council, ensuring that they play their part in decision making. Regular surveys and consultations ensure that pupils' opinions and perspectives are understood and taken into account.

Great emphasis is placed here on our pupils' happiness and we spend time working to support pupils in their developing friendships. We ensure that all children understand their strengths and challenges, and develop a secure sense of worth and confidence at this important stage in their lives.

Pastoral Structure

Form teachers monitor and support each child's development and well-being, remaining in close communication with all who come into contact with the child and ensuring that expectations are reasonable, that progress is encouraged and acknowledged, and that any necessary help or advice is provided. Chris Wright, Head of Prep and Pre-prep and Polly Nicholson, Deputy Head of Prep and Pre-prep, lead the team of form teachers and oversee the pastoral well-being of the pupils.


Children are respected as individuals. Each child has his or her part to play in the School, and differences are celebrated. We make clear our expectations of pupils and maintain a culture in which good behaviour is celebrated. Our five school values: Honesty, Kindness, Effort, Respect and Responsibility are at the heart of our School life.

We teach pupils the importance of respecting themselves, respecting others and respecting their environment. Each individual is expected to contribute constructively to our community. Regular talks and discussions underline the importance of selflessness and focusing on the needs of those around us, whether here at School or in the wider community. Service to others is actively encouraged and we maintain a lively programme of charity fundraising, always placed in an educational context, in which the pupils play the leading role.

Partnership with Parents

At Duke of Kent School we value highly our strong relationships with families and our pastoral care depends on working in partnership with parents, to ensure that pupils make the best possible progress in every area of their development. Form teachers are the first point of contact for parents where pastoral concerns arise and we appreciate families keeping us informed of any matters that may affect behaviour, work or well-being.