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Prep Digital Learning

Prep School pupils are digital natives, brought up in a world in which computers and mobile devices play an ever increasing role. Duke of Kent School recognises the importance of digital technology and ensures that pupils have the best possible access to current technology in the classroom and for independent learning.

We have made a significant investment in digital technology at the School, with a dedicated fibre optic line connected in 2014 and wi-fi across the campus. In addition to our fixed computing, teaching staff and all pupils from Prep School through Year 11 have dedicated iPads to support teaching and learning. Apple TV is available in all Prep classrooms, enabling teachers or pupils to mirror the content on one device to show to the rest of the group.

Great use is being made of our iPads: to film an experiment in Science, to create an e-book in History, to record progress of an Art project, to capture and replay a tricky new concept taught in Maths. Pupils are creating content and using the devices to research topics, reinforcing their confidence as independent learners. 

In our Activities Programme, pupils have the chance to explore their digital interests further, with Stop Motion Animation, Digital Photography, Computer Coding and Design Your Own Video Game among the offerings.

Prep School pupils are also introduced to the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) and shared Google Drive where resources for learning are available and tasks are set and can be submitted electronically.

As we develop our pupils' use of technology, we are careful to balance this with face-to-face interactions and personal communication. When iPads are present in lessons they remain face down on the desk until teachers call for their use. Devices are returned to their dock at break times so that pupils can make the most of the fantastic grounds, playing in Junior Jungle and building their friendships.

Pupils are trained in 'netiquette' (manners surrounding use of digital devices), responsible care of their iPads and in the vital areas of e-safety and digital citizenship, so that they know how to protect themselves, and behave responsibly, in their use of the internet and mobile devices. 

Children are educated regarding E-Safety through our PSHE and Computer Science curriculums. We encourage parents to take an active role in their children's digital lives and we hold termly training sessions for parents on e-safety and responsible use of digital technology.