A Message from Mrs Knox

As the country slowly moves forward, Wednesday heralded an exciting first for us! The first time we were able to play an inter school cricket match for over a year. Typically, we woke up to rain and cold weather however, this did not dampen spirits and it was fantastic to see an important part of Duke of Kent School life resume. The pupils were absolutely buzzing with excitement and relished the opportunity to represent their School once again. Next week, Year 9 are participating in an off-site History excursion, another gradual step forward. I thoroughly enjoyed hosting Year 11 pupils for lunch this week as we discussed plans for the next stage of their education and shared memories of their time at Duke of Kent School. They have been incredibly resilient as a year group throughout their GCSE years and are a credit to our School. Have a lovely long weekend.
Mrs Knox
School Charity Update
For the last few weeks, we’ve been growing and selling plants and seedlings outside the School to raise money for our partner charity Access Adventures.
Thank you so much to everybody who donated and bought seedlings in support of Access Adventures this week. We are so, so grateful to everyone who helped in any way. In particular, a big shoutout to Miss Barnes and Mrs Knox for watering our precious seedling over Easter! And not forgetting Tash B as the senior member of the team for her mature guidance and organisational skills.
We grew a variety- climbing french beans, hot red chilli peppers, basil, tomatoes, different kinds of squashes and some others as well.
We had a lovely time in the sun and Annabelle had an interesting time in the rain. Thank you to The Performing Arts Department for the loan of their umbrella!
Thank you to all of you, we raised over £190 for Access Adventures. The charity provides fun activities and opportunities for disabled people. We are so grateful to them and to you.
Thank you again, we will see you at our next event.
The Charity committee
Written by Ariane L, Rose S, Fleur S and Annabelle R, Year 8
The Charity Committee is always looking for new recruits. If you are interested in getting involved please see Mr Watson.
Careers Resources
InvestIN are running a series of free on-line seminars designed to help parents guide their children to a successful career. They are aimed at parents of children aged 12-18.
Please click the link below to access seminars on 'Own The Room' (Tuesday 11th May, 7:00-8:00pm) and 'Success in the City' (Wednesday 9th June, 7:00-8:00pm)
Mrs LaCroix
Pre-prep and Prep School News
The green fingered work of Prep and Pre-prep pupils has continued this week. Nursery had a wonderful trip out to the woods to release their tadpoles, which had grown into froglets! The frog population is declining and it was great to see the successful incubation of tadpoles released back into their original pond.
This week, each Prep School form selected two representatives to be on our newly established Prep School Sustainability Committee. There was lots of interest in the positions, and the successful representatives will be holding their first meeting on Thursday morning. We can’t wait to hear their plans on how we can improve our approach to operating more sustainably as a school!
Year 6 have been focussing on Earth Day within their English lessons over the past week. They have been identifying ways in which they can help to look after our planet, and came up with suggestions including eating less meat; cycling more, as opposed to always taking the car; turning off lights; using less single-use plastics and being sure to recycle. In their most recent prep, they have been creating posters to try and encourage everyone to think about climate change and to make changes in their lives that will benefit our wonderful planet Earth.
On Wednesday morning 6W hosted a debate regarding whether pupils should (theoretically!) be allowed to bring a packed lunch into school. There were many compelling arguments offered on both sides. It was a very close result but school dinners won, with the majority of pupils voting against the motion. Thank you 6W, it was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to formulate, share and listen to each other’s ideas.
Value certificates for this week go to:
Kindness — Clara H-S and William M.
Mrs Green
Stars of the Week

Nursery - Harry R for demonstrating brilliant listening skills and a very enthusiastic and motivated attitude throughout each day.
Reception - Charlie S for improved effort in handwriting and careful painting of his symmetrical butterfly.
Year 1 - Elizabeth S for her amazing details to her drawing of a howler monkey in art.
Joey S for his effort and enthusiasm in every piece of work he does. He always wants more!
Year 2 - Rufus S-C for exemplary writing in English lessons this week. You're a superstar!
Mrs Henry
Senior School News
Commendations this week have been awarded to Kora W, Lucy P and Aoife W in Year 10 for their outstanding ongoing efforts in Geography, particularly their excellent notes and explanations in their current GCSE topic, and also to Alfie C, Tom H, Harley B and Maddie I, all in Year 9, who stepped in at late notice to perform a quite wonderful version of 'Love Story' by Sarah Barrelis in the The Duke of Edinburgh Assembly last Friday. In this assembly Mr Lodge and Mr Wyllie did a fantastic job of highlighting the life of the late Prince Philip and reflecting, in particular, upon his role in establishing the Duke of Edinburgh Award and the positive effects this has had on so many people. Commendations were also awarded to Daisy R, Jack D and Jess I, in Year 7, for their outstanding written plans relating to how to rebuild the Caribbean island of Montserrat after their devastating volcanic eruption.
May I also take this opportunity to draw your eye to the upcoming Hill Running 3 Peaks Challenge Event, scheduled in the diary for the 17th May. As we continue to promote good health and mental wellbeing at school we would love as many as possible to take part in this voluntary after-school event, open not only to those in the Hill Running Club but to anyone in senior school who is brave enough to take on this 10km challenge (at any pace!). After a hugely successful inaugural event in 2019 we cannot wait to tackle the three hills of Leith Hill , Holmbury Hill and Pitch Hill - more information will be sent out in email form soon after the Bank Holiday Weekend.
Mr Wilson
Match Reports
Matches are back!
It was amazing to finally have some inter-school fixtures back this week. The pupils involved were extremely excited and all showed a great amount of sportsmanship and determination! Although matches have been placed in the calendar, these are all subject to confirmation from other schools. We hope to play as many matches as possible but please refer to the team sheets when they are posted on the Parent Portal as there is a good chance that the fixtures might not go ahead, or the venues might change. When playing in matches this term, it is important that the pupils have the correct kit, this includes a water bottle, sun cream and a hat. Boys from Year 5 and above will need cricket whites, a cricket jumper and a cricket box.
Girls' U13 Cricket v. Belmont
On Wednesday afternoon, despite the pouring rain, Year 8 had their first match in over a year against Belmont. There was great excitement with a pinch of nerves too, but the girls were keen to get stuck in to what would be a fantastic match. Alex K won the toss for the team and we started the match bowling. There was some fantastic bowling from all the girls and some close wickets from a few. Our fielding was strong and the team worked hard to stop the ball reaching the boundaries and worked quickly to stop Belmont adding to their runs.
When Duke of Kent School came in to bat, they were focused and managed to avoid hitting the ball high for catches. A number of the girls hit 4's and 6's and there was great decision-making for when to run and when to stay. The final score was 306 – 299 to Belmont. It was such a close match and they all gave 100%. We have some areas to work on as a team but I am looking forward to seeing them all improve in their next match. Well done everyone.
Miss Vernon
Girls' U11 Cricket v. Belmont
On Wednesday afternoon, some girls from Years 5 & 6 travelled to Belmont for their first cricket match against another school in over a year. Unsurprisingly, the team were extremely excited despite the unfortunate weather (constant rain!!) As if by magic, as the team arrived at Belmont School, the rain stopped so the game could begin. The U11s fielded first and demonstrated some great bowling technique and accuracy after just a few cricket lessons. In particular, well done to Edie H for getting a wicket, Clara H-S for super fielding and Annabelle B for receiving girl of the game bowler! After a short drinks and sanitising break, Duke of Kent School were ready to bat. Each pair faced multiple overs and showed great determination and focus when running between the wickets and making good decisions. Well done to Eve M for scoring multiple 4s during her batting over to help contribute to Duke of Kent School's overall score. Excitingly, the U11s girls managed to win by 3 runs!! Well done to all the girls involved for their efforts and most importantly their fantastic enthusiasm throughout the afternoon! We can't wait for more matches!
Miss Vickers
Boys' U11 A Cricket v. Belmont
On Wednesday saw the U11A's have their first cricket match of the year against Belmont. It was due to be their first hard ball match but unfortunately due to the rain that couldn't happen, but we managed to get a game of cricket played on the Wilsons' pitch. Duke of Kent school batted first and scored 75 off their 16 overs, with a good partnership between Chester S and Kit B holding the innings together. Felix C bowled well to start the innings, and this was backed up by Sam R bowling some accurate left arm swing. Unfortunately, we couldn't stop Belmont reaching our total but credit to the boys who stuck at it in inclement weather.
Mr Green
Boys' Cricket U13 v. Belmont
On a very wet day, it was fantastic that we were able to go ahead with the U13 cricket match at Holmbury St. Mary's CC against Belmont. Toby T won the toss and decided to field. All of the Duke of Kent School bowlers showed a good level of skill and accuracy and were very unfortunate not to take more wickets, often beating the outside edge. Belmont opening batsmen batted well and managed to post a score of 101 for 4 in their 16 overs. Knowing the run rate, the Duke of Kent School boys aimed to score at about 7 an over. We lost a couple of early wickets but Harry F and Toby T steadied the ship with the Toby top scoring (29). Jack B helped Toby get the team over the line with 3 overs to spare. It was great to be playing again and amazing to register our first win! Well done to all who played.
Mr Herbert
Weekly Wellbeing
The past year has definitely been a challenge for everybody. For children and young people, the uncertainty, change and disruption to their routines, relationships and feeling of security has been profound and has come during a time of rapid development when behavioural habits are forming.
Encouraging your children to talk about their concerns is vital for them to be able to work through any residual feelings of fear, anxiety, frustration, disappointment or other emotions. When children are confused about how they are feeling or find their emotions overwhelming they may behave in a way that challenges all their relationships. This could be angry outbursts, low level aggression to others, destructive treatment of belongings/surroundings, unkindness to others (including yourselves) or rule-breaking behaviour that leads to punishment at school or home.
Often this challenging behaviour is an indicator of unresolved difficult emotions and a request for their confusion to be noted and acted upon. Still waters may run deep, but angry/choppy waters have a lot going on under the surface too and this is what needs to be addressed. It is important that this behaviour is not ignored but addressed, and an explanation of why it is not acceptable is given. Equally, importantly, your child needs to know that you are open to hearing them and can demonstrate empathy without judgement. This may be better explored at an agreed suitable time when both parties are calmer and allocating a time for this is a good idea.
Often it is this reassurance and demonstration that they are heard and understood is what they really require.
For more advice on dealing with children’s challenging behaviour click on the link below:
Mrs Douglas, Wellbeing Coordinator
The Performing Arts News
Combined Schools Choir
We are delighted to announce that we have currently raised £1885 for the Challengers Charity through the combined schools choir. However, the campaign is still active and I would love us to reach £2000! If you would like to hear Mr Rye being interviewed about the campaign on the Nicky Patrick Show on BBC Surrey/Sussex please follow the link below and jump to 1hr19mins into the show. If you would like to donate please visit the Crowdfunder page below. Thank you!
BBC Interview:
Crowdfunder Page:
Mr Rye
E-Safety Tips
Tech Tips to bring you together!
Do the housework - Apps like ChoreMonster provide fun incentives for younger children to tidy rooms, while planners like Mothershp help set schedules for older ones.
Explore augmented reality - Get outdoors and see the world a different way with augmented reality apps. Whether on a prehistoric hunt (Dinosaurs Everywhere, iOS only) or catching outlandish creatures (Pokémon Go!), these apps make moving and exploring more fun.
Go on a nature hunt - Explore your inner David Attenborough with UK conservation apps like Wildlife Trust: Nature Finder, Great British Bee Count and BirdTrack.
Mr Boden
A Message from Matron
With rapid lateral flow device home testing kits now more accessible, there has been some understandable confusion regarding the 2 main different types of tests for Covid-19, and which test to use when. The following information from the NHS should be used when deciding which test to use:
There are different tests you can get to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19). The test you need depends on why you're getting tested.
The 2 main tests are:
- PCR tests – mainly for people with symptoms, they're sent to a lab to be checked
- Rapid Lateral Flow (LFD) tests – only for people who do not have symptoms, they give a result in 30 minutes using a device similar to a pregnancy test
If you have symptoms of COVID-19
Get a PCR test as soon as possible if you have any of these symptoms:
- A high temperature (37.8 or higher)
- A new, continuous cough
- A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
You and anyone you live with should stay at home until you get your test result. Only leave your home to have a test. Anyone in your childcare or support bubble should also stay at home if you have been in close contact with them since your symptoms started or during the 48 hours before they started.
Regular tests if you do not have symptoms
Anyone can now get regular rapid lateral flow tests without having symptoms. (NB not to be used for testing in primary age or pre-school age children)
About 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not have symptoms but can still infect others. Getting regular tests is the only way to know if you have the virus.
If people test positive and self-isolate, it helps stop the virus spreading. (Positive LFD tests should be confirmed with a follow up PCR test)
On a separate note, a reminder for Year 8 pupils (and a handful of Year 9 pupils who are needing to catch up), that the Immunisations Nurses are coming to School next Friday morning 7th May to administer the second dose of the HPV Immunisation. Please can pupils taking part attend school in a short-sleeved shirt or games top. Thank you!
The School Nurses
House Updates
This week the Prep and Senior School pupils put their logical thinking to the test in the House Riddle competition; each quiz contained 12 riddles set at an appropriate level for the pupils. The results (and answers!) will be published next week. The Motivational Poster competition begins on Tuesday 4th May and all of the necessary information will be published in the House Google Classrooms. There is still time to enter House Photography competition as well. You can use this link to see the most up to date leaderboards (Leaderboard- Summer wk 2)
The first round of voting in the House renaming process closes at 4:40pm this afternoon! The results will be collated and announced next week. Following that, the House Leaders and House Captains will meet to create a shortlist of 6 names to put forward for the final round of voting to decide what the four new names will be. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to cast their votes and share their opinions, all the feedback we have received will inform the process as it progresses.
Mr Gritton
PADoK News
Last Friday we had our first PADoK Walk. We met in the Hurtwood Control Car Park 3 at Pitch Hill, and we had a bumper number of 13 and we think about 10 dogs, they were running around, so it was tricky to count!
Once we had spread out into socially distanced groups of 6 we all enjoyed a good walk around PItch HIll. It was a beautiful day for our first walk and despite a chilly start we soon warmed up in the sun. It was great to see some new faces and we hope they enjoyed meeting others from the School community and finally, a big thank you to Mrs Hogan-Smith for leading our PADoK Walk.
The next PADoK walk is on Friday 7th May, 08.30 at Car Park 3, hope to see you there.
PADoK Book Club
PADoK Book Club is on Thursday 6th May at 8pm via Zoom to discuss The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman. Zoom details will be sent out at the beginning of that week.
We look forward to seeing you all at one or both of these events. Have a great start o the Summer Term everyone.
PADoK Team
School Social Media
At Duke of Kent School we have three social media platforms; Instagram (dukeofkentschool), Twitter (@DoKSchool) and Facebook (Duke of Kent School).
Our Twitter and Facebook accounts are public however, our Instagram account is private to keep it strictly for the Duke of Kent School community only. To follow the School Instagram account you will need to request to follow the account.
We recommend following all three accounts to receive push notifications with news, updates, educational articles, interactions with other schools, communities and public figures.

Miss Vernon
Our Charity Commitee met with Tim from @axSadventures this morning to handover a cheque from growing and selling seedlings in support of Access Adventures. They managed to raise over £190. Thank you to everyone who supported us in this #Fundraising #WellDone #TheDoKWay https://t.co/2IcxEMJ7te 3 hours ago Follow Yesterday, Nursery went up to Pitch Hill to release froglets that they had watched develop from frogspawn to tadpoles. #Nursery #OutdoorLearning https://t.co/Ox6rDbZ5RD 21 hours ago Follow |