Please do get in touch if you would like to get involved, this can be in any capacity, you don’t need to be a class rep to be on the PADoK team. Email me at for more information.
Christmas Hamper raffle tickets
We are excited to announce that the Christmas hamper raffle tickets are now on sale. We will be putting together the hampers next week so look out for more tempting images coming soon.
£5 for a book of 5 tickets.
Please email with the number of books, your child’s name and year group.
Thank you for your support.
BAG2SCHOOL collection
Your children should have bought a bag home that can be filled and returned to school for recycling. PADoK have organised this to raise funds and also offer our DoK community an opportunity to recycle! Bags should be returned to school at drop off on 20th November. If you are unable to drop bags on 20th November, they can be left outside the uniform shop on 19th November before 14.00. More info on the scheme and what can/can’t be donated is on the Bag2School website can be found here.
Duke of Kent School Flyers – Wednesday 08.30-09.30, Ness Hall (Tara Coles and Lois Williams)
This week we saw the third session of the DOK School netball team. Another great session of netball! So much fun had and so good for the soul.
Join us every Wednesday. No experience necessary!
Duke of Kent School Singers – Thursday 08.20-09.00 (Cathy Williams)
Another great half an hour of singing this morning! We are building an amazing mix of high (sop), medium (alto) and low (tenor) voices, all coming together to make a brilliant sound. It’s wonderful!
We started with an uplifting warm up singing “I like the flowers, I like the daffodils” and the lovely song about the banana harvest. Work on “Yellow” continued and Mr Rye worked with us on the three-part harmony and helped us to learn our parts and not be drawn into another harmony. This involved singing with our eyes shut! It really worked! It was such a warm, rich, beautiful noise that we all made when we all kept to our harmonies. We came away feeling very uplifted and ready for the day, particularly with the help of tea and coffee the School kindly provided for us after our singing session.
Everyone is welcome at any time, please do come and join us to listen and/or sing along whenever you feel like it. Singing is so good for you! Stick your head in for a listen to see what we’re all about. Super relaxed and no pressure to perform.
Any questions please do contact Cathy Williams 282910 or please just come along!
A relaxed singing group run by our Director of Music, Mr Rye, who kindly gives up his time to teach us how to sing. It is always fun and uplifting rather than a pressured environment. Our focus is always on enjoying singing and getting the most out of our time together.
PADOK Core Control: strengthen your body, improve your health with our physio-led stability group. Friday morning 08.30, Ness Hall
Get ready for a fitness journey that's both invigorating and community-driven!
Our Parent Core Control Group is in full swing, focusing on pelvic floor, transversus abdominus, and gluteus medius engagement, along with spinal alignment.
What to Expect: engaging sessions targeting core muscles and overall strength. Progress from static balance exercises to dynamic moves like pelvic bridges, sit-ups, planks, scapular stability, and squats.
Why join? Enhance your fitness knowledge. Boost core strength and stability. Connect with fellow parents in a supportive environment.
When: every Friday morning prompt start at 08:30 in the sports hall until 09.00.
Bring: your own thick exercise mat for maximum comfort.
How to join: all parents are welcome!
Simply message for details and to confirm your spot.
Let's strengthen our cores and build a healthier, more connected community together!
Click here for the WhatsApp group link.
PADoK Book Club
PADoK Book Club will meet next week on Thursday 23rd November in Old Hall at 20.00 to talk about the book “Kayla’s Girls” by Kerry Gibb. We would love you to join us for a relaxed chat by the fire, sipping a glass of wine and choosing a new title to read over Christmas.
Mrs Newman
PADoK Second Hand Uniform Shop
We will be open on Wednesday 29th November from 15.00 to 16.00.
If you wish to hand in items that you no longer need, please leave in the box outside the shop. ONLY CURRENT UNIFORM bought from Stevensons please.
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Williams