Performing Arts News
House Drama
The results are in! Andy Whipp our wonderful House Drama judge commented on the variety and the high standard on display and also on the quirky and original nature of the submissions!

So the final House Points from the competition stand like this:
1st - Hillary - 112
2nd - Chichester - 98
3rd -Armstrong - 69
4th - Whittle - 49
A huge thank you to Mrs Honey for organising the competition, to all the pupils for entering and to Andy for judging. He kindly made a couple of videos about the competition which can be viewed here.
Senior School -
Prep School -
The Duke of Kent School Album - Vol 3
Every two years we release a school album on C.D. featuring some of the excellent musical work from the last two academic years. With lock down we obviously cannot release a physical there is no one at school to buy it! But we will still be releasing it as a download with all contributions going to charity. Watch this space for more info.
Three Little Birds
Every week we mention the Three Little Birds project and this week is no exception! The whole family is encouraged to enter if you so wish - parents, pets, grandparents - all are welcome! If you need inspiration the original Performing Arts staff version can be viewed here. There are still two weeks until the cut off date.
Summer Concert

Don't forget to put 6pm on 27th June in your diaries for our Live Streamed Virtual Summer Concert.
It promises to be the most varied and eclectic concert we have ever done!
Mr Fizz
After a week off the adventures of Mr Fizz and family are back! This week we meet Fizz Dog and find out that he and all his friends can fly! Have a watch here - seriously, it's worth it!
Mr Rye