A Message from Mrs Knox
Our Open Morning this week was extremely well attended with over 100 parents and children in attendance. The pupils who toured the families are to be commended as we received excellent feedback about their positivity, honesty and exemplary manners. The sun shone and the School looked simply lovely. GCSEs and school exams are now underway and the pupils have taken these in their stride. Whilst there are nerves and a few wobbles, the children are to be commended on the way they are approaching them. This week has also been one of staffing announcements. Congratulations to Tom Southee, Deputy Head, Chris Wright, Interim Head Prep & Pre-prep and Polly Nicholson, Interim Deputy Head Prep & Pre-prep. All three take up their appointments in September and we wish them the best of luck in their new roles. Finally, we had a duck and 9 ducklings visit the School on Thursday. We are not sure where they come from but this particular duck tends to visit the School once a year. There was huge excitement as Sydney the cat got wind of their visit and had to be securely shut away. The ducklings managed to find their way into the Pre-prep reception and had to be rescued by Mr Wright. They had done such a good job of hiding themselves inside boxes and wellies, but all left the building safe, and in an orderly manner! Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Knox
Reminders for the upcoming week
Monday 23rd May - School Examinations begin (Years 3 - 10)
Thursday 26th May - Parent volunteers thank you coffee with Mrs Knox
Friday 27th May - Queen's Platinum Anniversary picnic lunch party
- Half Term begins
School Charity Committee
Our School Charity Committee will be selling seedlings to raise money for Access Adventures and British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal in the top car park during drop off on Thursday and Friday morning next week.
This year they have courgette, butternut squash, green beans and pumpkins. Chillies and tomatoes to follow!
Mr Watson
Year 3 trip to Butser Farm
On Tuesday, the Year 3s travelled to Butser Ancient Farm to see our work on the Romans come to life. The weather was beautiful and the children were all excited to have a day of activities to explore what life was like during that time. We started the day inside an Iron Age roundhouse, learning about the Celts' materials and methods. Our first activity was using some flint to create a chalk carving as a good luck symbol for our homes. We then sat outside the Roman Villa and created some mosaic patterns using individual tiles. After lunch, we explored how archaeologists have been able to find out about historic buildings and objects. The children all had a go at using trowels to carefully dig up some artifacts before asking themselves questions about the objects. We then had a tour inside the Roman villa comparing it to the roundhouse. The children decided that in the hot weather, they would have much rather lived in the Roman villa. Thanks to Mr Wright for joining us on our trip and well done to the children for listening so carefully and asking insightful questions!
Mrs Gritton
Year 5 Assembly
On Wednesday morning, Year 5 performed an assembly, about compromise and resolving conflicts, to their parents and the rest of Prep and Pre-prep. The story of the two donkeys highlighted the importance of trying to find an outcome which is a 'win-win' for everyone involved. The Year 5s then shared some useful advice about how to effectively manage a disagreement in order to find a compromise and avoid putting a strain on their relationships. The audience then got involved by suggesting ways to find a 'win-win' outcome in the scenarios presented by Year 5.
Mr Gritton
Year 6 trip to a Buddhist Temple
Last Friday, Year 6 had a fantastic trip to a Buddhist temple in Woking, where we were warmly welcomed by one of the resident nuns. The children had a short tour of the building - converted from a former hospital chapel - that took in the areas where the monks would eat, meditate (The White Room) or host visiting dignitaries. The monks - many of whom come from Thailand - then showed us some important artefacts used when meditating or as reminders of Buddha, as well as explaining to us the materials and colours of their traditional robes. After the children were taught about the history of the temple and some Buddhist customs they had the chance to participate in a guided meditation, and then offer alms to the monks, who thanked them with a beautiful chanted blessing. The pupils returned to School very keen to incorporate time for calming meditation within their everyday lives, and brimming with thoughts and ideas to consider as we continue our study of Buddhism throughout the term. Thanks to those at Wat Phra Dhammakaya for hosting us so kindly, and also to Mr Lodge and Mrs Gritton for accompanying the children.
Mr Wright
Visiting Speaker from Apple
On Tuesday morning it was a delight to welcome Anna Patching a Broadcast Engineer from Apple to the school. Anna delivered a hugely interesting talk to a number of students from the senior school on her role within this area of broadcasting.
Anna began by initially reminding students of what STEAM is (Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) and the importance of these subject areas. She explained to students how STEAM includes dynamic subjects where every person can reach their own potential in a creative and inquisitive way. It was enlightening to hear Anna talk about the skillset that she has developed through STEAM which she now uses in all aspects of her current role, and how they are transferable to almost every career.
Anna provided a background on the areas of Broadcasting that she has previously worked on such as Michael Macintyre's Big Show, Glastonbury, Six Nations, The Open, Premier League, Wimbledon, Royal Ascot, London 2012 to name just a few! She spoke about what her day can involve and the logistic behind broadcasting that the majority of us wouldn't realise, as we only see the end result. It was a real eye opener to gain a comprehension of the equipment used and the challenges that Anna faces in making it all work!
Anna shared with us some of her memorable experiences such as working in the mud at Glastonbury, fixing a communication problem when equipment broke at a Premier League game and the sense of pride she gained whilst working on the 2012 Olympics in London.
For the last part of her talk Anna explained her role now at Apple, how she fits into the company and a few insights into how Apple manages to be so secretive about upcoming technology.
It was lovely during the talk that Anna kept referring to the fact that although she had worked hard at school she unfortunately didn't gain the best grades at A Level (D,D,E). However she still managed to follow her interests and found alternative routes into this interesting career path.
It was wonderful for Anna to share her journey and experiences with the students, which will hopefully inspire some new interest and exploration of careers. Anna delivered the important message that there are often many routes into a specific career and that if things maybe don't go to plan, there are usually always other options.
Mr Wyllie

This week has been full of surprises, including an escapee mouse in a Year 5 pupil’s shoe and a lost mother duck and her eight baby ducklings in the Pre-prep lobby! Alongside this extra unexpected excitement, there’s also been lots of regular school activity within and beyond the classroom:
Year 6 have written thank you letters to the nuns and monks in Woking, following their visit to the Buddhist temple last week. Year 2 children have finished their draft diary entry for their Great Fire of London Topic focus. They have particularly enjoyed participating in 'peer feedback' this week, where they read their partner's writing and gave focused, relevant feedback on how their work could be improved. There were some great critiquing and reflective learning skills on display - well done Year 2!
Reception pupils have loved making sparkly spiral snails as part of their minibeasts topic. Year 1 have also had a marvellous time with the glitter, decorating crowns ready for our Jubilee celebrations next week. Year 5 pupils have also been busy preparing for the Jubilee celebrations, zealously preparing lawn games that the entire school will enjoy next Friday afternoon.
Year 4 have been planning scripts for their own podcasts in Computer Science. The theme is 'Meet the Victorians' so they have been using the information they have gleaned in Topic lessons about famous philanthropists and inventors. They will be using Garage Band to start recording next week, and we look forward to hearing some interviews with the likes of Dr Barnardo, Lord Shaftesbury, Florence Nightingale, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison! Reception pupils have also been working hard on their iPads this week, demonstrating some fantastic coding skills.
The Prep School Council were delighted to participate in interviewing Mr Southee for the post of Deputy Head this week. They had been working hard on devising some challenging and thought provoking questions over the last few weeks and relished the opportunity to quiz him on his responses. They were very professional in their approach, asking their questions in a clear and precise manner, and they were delighted with his responses. Mr Southee's feedback at the end of the session was that this had been the hardest part of the whole process!
Pupils in Years 3-6 enjoyed some mixed cricket matches against Farlington this week, and we wish Year 2 the best of luck as they head off for their match against Belmont this coming Monday.
Values Certificates:
Responsibility: Eddie C
Effort: George F
Stars of the Week
Nursery: Ali S for excellent listening skills, positive attitude and enthusiasm in class.
Isabella D for her continued positive attitude in school, careful creativity and increased listening skills.
Reception: Harry R for great creativity, making a bouncing spider and fantastic effort in writing.
Year 1: Ottilie H for improved presentation and writing more extensively and independently.
Charlie S for excellent concentration and writing both independently and imaginatively.
Year 2: Logan N for a superb attitude towards 'peer assessment' tasks in English this week.
Mrs Henry

This week has seen the start of the GCSE Exams at school and I know I speak for all of us when I wish the Year 11 cohort the best of luck with these, their rigorous preparations no doubt standing them in good stead. On Monday night, a hardy group of runners took on the three peaks in our annual after school running event to conquer Leith Hill, Holmbury Hill and Pitch Hill. Spirits remained high throughout and the commitment and application of all those involved could not be faulted, particularly Maddie I who had decided to complete this challenge as her 'birthday treat' to herself! Thursday saw our Open Morning take place and the manners, positivity and general decency of our pupils was commented on and highlighted by nearly every visitor I spoke with.
Commendations this week have been awarded to Daisy R, Daisy N, Jake L and Pippa S (Year 8) for their ongoing efforts in Geography, to Alex S, Max S and John McN (Year 10) for their excellent essay writing in History, and to Charlie G, Ozzie H and Sam S (Y9) for qualifying for the Intermediate Kangaroo National Maths competition. Also receiving commendations were Josh N (Year 10), both for his Geography and Maths successes this week, and Pippa S (Year 8) for achieving a Certificate of Merit for coming in the top 25% in the Intermediate Maths competition. Lastly, congratulations go to Frankie M (Year 8), achieving a commendation for her outstanding Biology revision work. Well done to you all.
Mr Wilson

An Evening of Jazz
What a delight it was welcoming to the school last Friday evening the Frank Walden Quartet with guest vocalist Lucy Randell. The PA Hall was transformed into a jazz club, Mr Rye got to live out his jazz club owner fantasy and the audience were beautifully quiet and focused on the amazing musicians and the cool vibe of the whole evening! Lucy was a quirky, engaging and wonderfully talented vocalist and Frank's quartet were on fire - all of the musicians have graced the stage of international jazz clubs the world over and it was a treat to have them in our school. A massive thank you is due to PADoK for their help with setting up and then tidying up the PA Hall and of course to Frank and his band for their incredible music.
Summer Concert
Make sure you have Saturday 25th June in your diaries for our Summer Concert. This year we are unofficially billing it as Mr Macdonald's leaving concert so be sure to be there to witness him being suitably embarrassed! There will be performances from Prep and Senior School choirs, the Ukes of Kent, Big Band, all the rock bands, solos, duets and one or two surprises! It will be held outside in the top car park, with chairs and a stage set up, refreshments will be available and it promises to be a celebratory and entertaining evening.
A Monster Calls
The Years 8 and 9 production of 'A Monster Calls' is ramping up in its intensity! Rehearsals are going well and tickets will be available after half term. Watch this space for more info. Performances are Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th June at 7.15pm in the PA Hall.
Mr Rye

What Parents Need to Know about Discord
Discord is a free app which allows users to communicate in real time via text, video or voice chat. Available on desktop and mobile devices, it was originally designed to help gamers cooperate – but has evolved into a more general networking platform for a range of online communities, discussing topics like TV series, music, Web3 and more. Discord is organised around closed groups, referred to as ‘servers’. To join a server, users must be invited or provided with a unique link. It’s a space for users to interact with friends, meet others with shared interests and collaborate in private online — but it’s also a place where young people can be exposed to risks if the right precautions aren’t taken.
In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as cyberbullying, predators and inappropriate content.
Click on the link to help you find out more about "What Parents Need to Know about Discord".
Mr Boden

ISA London South Senior Athletics
Twenty nine athletes from a mixture of Years 7-10 travelled bright and early to Bromley last Friday to compete in the ISA London South Regional Athletics. This was a chance for each competitor to reach the National Finals in Manchester later in the Summer Term. The weather was amazing and the Duke of Kent School athletes produced some incredible performances in a host of events. The determination, focus and fitness levels of all of our athletes shone through and they should all be extremely proud of their performances. We had five gold medal winners and seven athletes have now qualified for the National Finals. These are Jess I (1500m), Rose S (1500m), Hugo S (High Jump and 200m), Harry L (800m), Rufus B (800m), Tom H ( 200m and 800m) and Will R (1500m). Well done to all who took part and we look forward to seeing how the finalists perform in the red vest of London South at the Manchester Finals.
Mr Herbert
Swimming gala v. Belmont and Kingswood House
On Monday afternoon, a selection of pupils from Years 3-9 made the short trip to Belmont School for a swimming gala. Luckily, the weather held out as the pupils begun to warm up in the outdoor pool! With lots of parents on the bank cheering the pupils on, it made for a great atmosphere and a really fun gala! Belmont, Kingswood House and Duke of Kent School had a swimmer in each race and were given points dependent upon the place they finished in each race. Each pupil took part in individual races and relay races throughout the gala. There was some fantastic swims and some really great encouragement from the side of the pool. Well done to all of the pupils involved, the results were very close with Belmont winning the gala by just 8 points and Duke of Kent School coming in 2nd place overall. Great work swimmers!
Miss Vickers
Girls' Cricket: U12/13A v. Farlington
On Wednesday afternoon, the U12/13A girls cricket team took on Farlington's U12/13A team. Duke of Kent School have had a brilliant start to their incrediball pairs cricket season and are now beginning to practice using a hard ball. This match was incrediball pairs and the girls demonstrated their excellent skills from the every first over! Jess I and Saoirse W paired up brilliantly to bat, hitting 4s and 6s off multiple balls! The boundaries continued with Niamh A and Bella S also scoring over 40 runs in their 3 overs. The girls felt confident going into field and did brilliantly to keep their focus. With every few wide balls bowled, the girls played a brilliant innings. The key was the amount of wickets the team managed to get throughout the innings. Alice B and Clara H-S picked up 3 wickets in their 3 overs whilst Isla B, Saoirse W, Niamh A and Bella S all got at least one wicket each! Particularly accurate bowling from Daisy R and Jess I meant that Duke of Kent School came out with a brilliant win! Well done to all the girls involved for their fantastic efforts and in particularly to Alice for being nominated fielder of the game and Niamh A for being nominated batter of the game.
Miss Vickers
Mixed Cricket: U10/11 v. Farlington
This Wednesday, the U10/11 A Mixed Cricket Team played a pairs cricket match against Farlington School. The toss was won by Duke of Kent School, and they decided to field first. The first innings started with some great bowling from Duke of Kent School, not allowing the Farlington batters to score many runs. This was a common theme throughout the first innings which lead to a final score of 136 by Farlington. The second innings started well as a great opening partnership between Ben W and Thibaut J got the team off to a solid start. Later on Eddie P and Elliot S helped the team by scoring some boundaries with powerful and clever shots. This lead to Duke of Kent School finishing their innings on a total of 165, well played to everyone involved.
Mr Orme
Mixed Cricket: U8/9A v. Farlington
Congratulations to the U8/9 A Mixed Cricket team who showed great determination in the field and batted with improved technique and good communication to beat Farlington by 20 runs. This was the first time this term that the boys and girls have had the opportunity to play together against another school and each individual produced some impressive moments in the game to help gain the victory. Well done to all who played.
Mr Herbert

This weeks suggested competitions and events are listed below. Remember there are many more that can be view on the Stretch and Challenge Website (https://sites.google.com/dokschool.org/stretchandchallenge/home)
Global Creative Art & Poetry Competition 2022 (3-16 years)
This year's theme is:- A Whole New World: A positive insight into our future. Children and adults around the world can submit creative entries (This could be a painting, drawing, illustration, graphic art, comics, poetry or similar) based on their responses to the theme. The creative art pieces must also include a reflective explanation of your submission – maximum 200 words outlining why you chose it and what it means to you personally and how it reflects the theme of “A Whole New World”. Closing date is 22nd May 2022. For more information visit - https://ukts.org/art-terms/
Henrietta Branford Writing Competition (5- 16 years)
The Henrietta Branford Writing Competition, the annual competition for young people which runs in conjunction with the Branford Boase Award, is now open. Entrants are invited to finish this story begun by last year’s Branford Boase Award winner, author of thrilling fantasy adventure Orphans of the Tide, Struan Murray. Closing date for entries is 22nd May 2022. For more information visit - https://branfordboaseaward.org.uk/2022-hbwc-details/
CO Competition ( 5 - 11 years)
We are looking for young people to help us spread the word on the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO), the silent killer and enter a competition that could see them win top cash prizes for themselves and their school or organisation. We’re looking for all different types of entries from children aged between 5 and 11.
Submissions could range from any form of media, such as:
- Eye-catching cartoons and videos
- Models
- Short stories or poems
- Leading assemblies at school or your local Cubs or Brownie group
- Making a fact sheet to share with your family and virtually with friends
The closing date for entries is 27th May 2022. For more information and to enter visit - https://www.thecocrew.co.uk/competition
Mr Wyllie

An abundance of hayfever and coughs and colds are seeing us get through the tissues and throat lozenges at a rapid rate at school this week. Please remind your child to take antihistamine before coming to school if they suffer from hayfever, and please supply them with their own pack of tissues to help manage the sniffles, or lozenges for sore throats! Good hand hygiene continues to be extremely important to manage the spread of viruses at school.
As the exams get under way, there's no doubt that some pupils will be experiencing some anxiety, which may impact their sleep. It's well known that sleep is as important for good health as diet and exercise. Good sleep also improves your mood, and brain performance. Not getting enough quality sleep regularly over a long period also raises the risk of many diseases and disorders later in life (including heart disease, stroke, obesity, dementia).
Although it's easier said than done (all of us struggle with sleep at times of stress), here are a few quick tips for our pupils to aid better sleep during exam week:
- Make time for sleep. Go to bed at a time that allows enough hours of rest.
- Watch what you eat and when. Eating late meals can impair sleep. It’s thought that certain foods help sleep; turkey, milk, bananas, and walnuts all contain tryptophan, which the body uses to make melatonin.
- Limit caffeinated drinks after 3pm. Remember there's also caffeine in tea, chocolate, and fizzy drinks.
- Make your bedroom a place of rest. Do your last minute messaging or revision in another room; make your bedroom a revision-free zone at bedtime.
- Don't use your smartphone or other screens in bed. Electronic devices emit noise and light; both will stop you sleeping. LCD screens on phones and tablets emit light that is blue enriched. This light influences the body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) and delays the release of the ‘sleep hormone’ melatonin.
- Have a bedtime routine. Doing exercise is a great way to relax during the exam period, as it causes the release of endorphins and improves your mood. However, the endorphins released from exercise can also impair sleep. As such, try to avoid exercising within two hours of bedtime. Instead, use those few hours to create a relaxing bedtime routine – perhaps by having a bath with lavender oil, or sitting and reading a book.
- Clear your head before bed. There’s some truth in the old saying that taking a problem to bed means you wake up with the solution - but don’t let the problem keep you awake. Sitting and ruminating over thoughts of the day will keep the brain active, so try keeping a notebook by your bed to write thoughts down before sleep instead. Meditation and breathing exercises can also help.
- Remember - one night of bad sleep won't hurt. Your day may be more difficult and you might need more coffee to function, but you will make it through the day after one night of poor sleep. Sleep is an autonomic function – you can’t force yourself to sleep, so worrying about not sleeping, or the effect of not sleeping on the following day will impair sleep.
For more on sleep problems, go to:
Wishing all our pupils the very best of luck for the exams, and restful nights of good restorative sleep- sweet dreams!
The School Nurses
PADoK News
Casino Royale
This is for your eyes only! PADoK Presents
Please join us for a night of Bond Themed glitz, glamour and fun on Saturday 18th June. The school will be transformed into a fabulous casino for the night with welcome bubbles and canapés at 7pm, dancing, magic and more to accompany the event.
Dress Code: Black tie or a twist of Bond
Carriages: Midnight
Tickets £55 per person to be added to the school bill. Email with you child’s name and class to: padok@dokschool.org
So shake up your wardrobe, stir up the glam, you only live once (twice). Make it a night to remember!
PADoK Walk
Last Friday a smaller group met for a lovely stroll over Pitch Hill. Even though we were lower in number than normal, we still enjoyed a lovely walk where we all chatted together rather than breaking off into small groups. The next walk is on Friday 27th May, 08.30 at Car Park 3 Hurtwood Control, Pitch Hill. Everyone welcome.
Duke of Kent School Singers
We met on Thursday morning for another singing session. It is always an uplifting start to the day with lots of laughter and lovely to hear lots of voices singing together. Please join us next week at 08.20 in the PA Hall. Everyone one welcome.
Running Technique Club
If you are a runner or would love to learn how to run with technique training, learn how to build muscle or to just try something new, come along to our Running Technique Club! A medical form needs to be completed prior to participation.
Friday 27th May in the morning at the bottom pitch 08.30 - 09.00. Contact julia@therunningspecialist.com for more information.
PADoK Book Club
Our Summer Term PADoK book is Again, Rachel, the No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller and the long-awaited follow up to Marian Keyes' bestselling Rachel's Holiday. The book focuses on our heroine having hauled her life back on track, only to suffer a spectacular setback when an old flame arrives in her life once more. We are looking forward to seeing lots of parents in person this summer term to catch up and talk about the book together. We will bring you the date soon for our meet up in June or July. Mrs Newman
Mrs Phillips
Senior School Optional Hoodie
The Senior School hoodies have been redesigned by members of the School Council and the finished product can be seen above. They have done a fantastic job at putting this design together and now finally getting to see the finished product.
This new hoodie is available from Stevenson's on their website: https://www.stevensons.co.uk/. There is also the option to have your child's initials printed onto the front of the hoodie for a slight additional cost, something we would advise to avoid mixing up tops with other pupils. This hoodie is not an essential item of School uniform, so there is no expectation for pupils to have it.
If you wish to see the sample, please pop into the Main Office to see me and have a look at the new hoodie.
Mrs Woolgar
School Social Media
At Duke of Kent School we have three social media platforms; Instagram (dukeofkentschool), Twitter (@DoKSchool) and Facebook (Duke of Kent School).
Our Twitter and Facebook accounts are public however, our Instagram account is private to keep it strictly for the Duke of Kent School community only. To follow the School Instagram account you will need to request to follow the account.
We recommend following all three accounts to receive push notifications with news, updates, educational articles, interactions with other schools, communities and public figures.

Mrs Woolgar