PADoK News
Despite the current situation PADoK still continues to bring parents together. Over the past few weeks, Via Zoom, PADoK reps have been holding coffee mornings and afternoon teas with most year groups, it has been a great way for parents to catch up and share challenges and joys of the lockdown. Every day last week Mrs Knox joined the individual year groups at their zoom meetings it was her chance to check in with everyone and answer any questions or concerns from the parents. We were very grateful to Mrs Knox for taking the time out of her days to do this for our parents.
PADoK has purchased a Zoom account, please talk to your year rep if you wish to book some time to catch up with other parents. Or do let us know if you have an idea you wish to share of how to bring Duke of Kent parents together in this strange world of social distancing.
PADoK ‘Virtual’ Book club met up last week to discuss “Close to Home” By Cara Hunter. Claire Reed our book Club organiser said the new revised format worked very well. We hope to hold another book club before the end of term, more details to follow soon.
Lucy Burr, our PADoK Singers organiser, has been in discussions with Mr Rye with an idea to include the PADoK singers into the end of year concert. Look out for more information in next weeks newsletter. This will be an event open to all parents.
We are working towards an event for next term. We hope (if social distancing rules allow) to have a big dinner dance in November. Its going to be a fantastic evening with live music and entertainers, a sumptuous supper and finishing with dancing. We believe by then everybody will be ready for a good party and we are planning a big one!
As I’m sure most of you are aware this was my daughter's last year at The Duke of Kent School and I shall be stepping down as Chairlady at the end of this term. I am pleased to say Camilla Phillips who has children in Years 5 & 3 will be taking over from September. Camilla has been working alongside me as PADoK Secretary for the past 2 years, she is the obvious choice to take on the job of chair of our fabulous PTA and I know she is going to do a brilliant job. Camilla is eager to get started and I will be gradually handing over to Camilla during this term to ensure a seamless start in September. Sarah Smith will continue as PADoK treasurer and Claire Reed will be stepping into Camilla’s shoes as PADoK secretary.
Stay in touch and stay safe.
Sarah Trotman - PADoK Chairlady